Week 4: Recognizing Your Resources and Connecting With Your Joy
Week 4 Class Recording
Week 4 Homework
Daily Practices:
Connect with the body and ask what it would like to do. How would it like to express? A movement, sound, writing, music, art, building something, connecting with another person, animal, plant, getting up and going outside, etc. Follow your intuition - if you’re not sure what that feels like, just play with it
Find a comfortable seat in a quiet, undisturbed space. In front of your altar is a good spot to do this practice. Light a candle. Open space within the body as we learned last week. Connect with sensations in the body that are drawing your attention. Create a container of loving awareness and presence for the sensation(s) to express (bring the loving observer to create a container for this space in the body). Spend a few moments just observing the sensations and holding space for anything that arises. Then ask the energy in this area of your body how it would like to express. Pay attention to how you feel called to move or express. Listen to subtle urges or impulses. Play with this and have fun. A guided version of this practice can be found at timestamp 1:22.22 in the replay above.
Writing Exercise:
Identify your personal resources and coping mechanisms. What things do you do to escape, disengage, or take a break from the intensity of life? Typically resources are “more healthy” ways of breaking up the flow of energy - talking to a friend, going for a walk, playing a musical instrument, dancing, etc. Coping mechanisms are typically “less healthy” ways of breaking up the flow of energy - scrolling on social media, watching shows/movies, mindless eating, recreational substance use. Share your findings in the WhatsApp group.​
Identify things that bring you joy and excitement. Write down as many things as you can think of that bring you joy, excitement, or feelings of satisfaction. What things feel harmonious and peaceful in your body? Are there any overlap between these and the resources you identified? Share your findings in the WhatsApp group.
Week 4 Q&A