Week 2: Becoming a Loving and Compassionate Observer
Week 2 Class Recording
Week 2 Homework
Daily Practices:
Heart Centered Unconditional Love Practice
I love you Self and self hug every morning when you wake up. I love you Self in mirror once per day.
Writing Exercise:
What is love to you and what are the conditions that you are putting on things to qualify as love? What does it mean for you if you love another? What things do you expect from someone to feel like they love you? Share your writing or your takeaways from this exercise in WhatsApp chat.
Begin to notice when you are feeling disappointed in yourself, or like you’re not living up to your own standards. Take note of the situations and notice where you feel the most sensations in your body. Write these instances down and notice the patterns. Share a summary of your observations and reflections with the WhatsApp group.
Set aside time (10-15 minutes) every day to do something kind for yourself. E.g. self massage, walk in nature, etc. What do you enjoy doing that you don't "have time to do" or don't prioritize very often? Set the intention to show your body and your ego that you love it and want to care for it. Connect with your body and ask it what it would like to do today.
Week 2 Q&A